Monday, August 10, 2015

Gold Wedding Cake

Gold Wedding Cake 

Gold Themed Wedding Cake

Thank you Faridah for the order
Do feel free to call us at 0126460023
There are no fixed pricing as each order is customized with handmade sugar artwork

#GoldThemedWeddingCakes #GoldCakes #WeddingCakes #‎ElegantWeddingCakes #WeddingCakesKL #WeddingCakesSubang ‪#‎TheBestBirthdayCakesinKL‬ ‪#‎HomeMadeCakesinKL‬ ‪#‎FondantBirthdayCakesSubang‬

Sunflower Birthday Cake

Sunflower Themed Birthday Cake 

Sunflower Themed Birthday Cake
Thank you Francesca for this very special order for your Grandma's 87th Birthday
Do feel free to call me at 0126460023
There are no fixed pricing as each order is customized with handmade sugar artworks

3D Minion Cake

3D Minion Cake 

3D Minion Cake
Thank you Dzemila for the order. The look on Aidin's face when he was the cake was classic! I wont forget the excitement... Hope everyone enjoyed the cake ...
Do feel free to call me at 0126460023

There are no fixed pricing as each order is customized with handmade sugar artworks

Extra Naughty Penis Birthday CakeArcadia

Extra Naughty Penis Birthday Cake